Esther Longe

I was in a plane crash on the 29th of October 2006. I was just about to finish my national youth service.

For 2 years after the plane crash, I had what they call ‘survivors guilt’. Why would God save me so miraculously? Of the 106 people on the plane, only 9 survived and of the 9 that survived only 1 didn’t have any injuries and that was me.

People kept saying, “God has a plan for your life” and I’m like what kind of plan could this be? In November 2008, I was in church in Cardiff and I felt God say to me, “Yes I’ve saved you in this life, but salvation is a bigger gift and if you can accept salvation, you can accept this.” And that’s when I was able to make peace with it. I told God I may not be able to understand what the purpose of my life is but I promise to share my testimony with as many people and give you praise.

Now, I just obey God. I have no other choice. It’s no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me literally.


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